A brief report about the readiness of the company for managing their employees remotely.
A brief report about the readiness of the company for managing their employees remotely.
To co se posledních 8 let skrývalo za diskuzemi o digitální transformaci se stalo skutečností. Všechny digitální projekty se nakonec dostaly do ostrého režimu bez jakéhokoliv testování. Ze dne na den, okamžitě. Důvodem je hrozba nového viru, který změnil přístup k práci. Celý svět náhle odešel do karantény a většina společností převedla práci na home […]
It is true, though it is unbelieving that one handpick in the closet will give the impression of a shaker. Holt is an eternal truth – dresses make a man today. So what do you wear when you have a really important meeting with a customer, partner or investor, you want to be credible in order to engage and ideally close a deal?
Often in our practice, we encounter situations where the founder of the startup is afraid that someone will steal his idea during the preparation or putting his idea into reality.
Yeah, the results, “we still hear it, you must have the results, we need the results, I hear these complaints from the staff.
Thanks to the CRM system, everything is in one place – a simple and clear instrument panel, which will reveal eg, the history of communication, order status, service interventions, and much more.
Finally, do you have an interesting business idea that you believe will bring success this time and that your business will prosper?
Imagine a company that conquers the world, expands, and cannot communicate with each other, with clients – simply with the environment.